The guys

Mike Newton

Mike is a 16-year active senior firefighter and medical training officer for Edmonton Fire Rescue Service, and currently works as a recruit adjunct and does medical program development. Formerly a specialist in river rescue. He is a certified instructor and coordinator in International Trauma and Life Support (ITLS), the Medical First Responder program at NAIT, and Advanced First Aid. He has very good standing and a long history with the Heart and Stroke Foundation as a volunteer and private instructor.

Chris O’Neill

Chris is a 17-year active member of Edmonton Fire Rescue Service having reached the rank of FFQ and is also a former EMT. He has over a decade of experience as a medical instructor with EFRS. He is the owner/operator of Vital Health Medical Education, which is a Red Cross and HSF provider of First Aid and CPR for medical businesses such as dentist offices. He is a Coordinator with International Trauma and Life Support and the senior Medical First Responder trainer for EFRS. He also works as a recruit medical instructor and medical programmer.

Coming Soon….

The Team in all its glory

Peter Vermeulen, Shan Newton, Mike Newton, Chris O’Neill

who we serve

Corporations, medical and dental clinics, schools, gyms, groups up to 24 at a time (for Certified Training. Group sizes for Workshops are not limited) , individuals and their family members; basically anyone looking for a medical emergency education workshop, certifications or re-certifications.

why we do it

We love goooold (just kidding). Truthfully, our team believes in a safer and happier world; a world that acknowledges that emergencies are an unfortunate reality and everyone should be given the right set of skills to be able to handle those moments when they arise.